World well-being week

There’s no doubt that every day is a day for us to think about our well-being BUT as it’s world well-being week, we wanted to bring our attention onto the subject and highlight the reasons why we do what we do.

There are many aspects to an individual’s well-being. Some things we may be conscious of daily but some we may not think about often or if not at all.

 Think of your well-being as the umbrella of your life. Underneath you have a bunch of things that keep you going. If nurtured, they’ll thrive and keep you going. However, if you’re not mindful of them and put them on the back of your mind, you’ll start to vibe on a low frequency wavelength.

These things can be categorised into seven things.

-       Physical health (Nourishing your health, sleep, exercise etc)

-       Emotional/Mental health (Nourishing your mind)

-       Spiritual Health (Connecting with yourself on a deeper level, self-love, self-belief)

-       Occupational health (Work-life balance, career satisfaction)

-       Environmental health (Caring for our environment, home, neighbourhood, local town and even our planet)

-       Intellectual health (Your need to learn and develop skills, be creative and keep your brain active)

-       Social health (Connecting with friends, family & community)


We think it’s safe to say that after the pandemic, it’s revealed a huge gap in the market for us all to think about out well-being, in ways we probably couldn’t have imagined before. It’s important to remember this isn’t a one stop fix, it’s a lifetime of development, and it’s all part of the journey.

We take pride in what we do because we deliver all these factors of well-being through the events and experiences we create for our clients. We believe that creativity and togetherness is essential for our well-being. Combining these with 4 (or more) elements that make US happy is the answer to a fulfilled life.


When you read this, we would kindly ask you to take a moment to think about your overall well-being and ask yourself the following questions.

-       What areas do you feel you’re lacking alignment with your desires?

-       What areas do you feel you’re currently thriving in?

-       What’s one thing you could start giving more energy to, today?

-       How could you inspire/influence someone close to you to improve their well-being too?


Think, feel, do

YOUR well-being is important, take the time to invest in it, and you will reap the rewards (we pinky promise you!)


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