6 Ways to prepare your health for the winter Season

Winter comes around pretty fast and it seems to stick around the longest of the seasons. Changing seasons isn’t always easy, especially when it’s from the warmer to cooler months. It’s important to prepare ourselves physically and mentally according to the season we are heading into. Adapting to the seasons is beneficial and important for our overall well-being.

As the seasons change, we as humans naturally require and crave different elements. Throughout winter, we are in reality ‘hibernating’. We become best friends with the snooze button on our alarm in the morning, we have little sunlight day to day and we eat more dense and comforting food to make us feel warm inside. On top of that, our activity levels are dramatically reduced due to the rainy cold British weather and slump from a busy year.

Here's a few ways to change your physical and mental health in the winter season

Increase your activity levels

If you struggle to exercise more in the winter, just increase your activity. Remember it’s mind over matter. Naturally throughout winter we become a lot lazier. Don’t take the short cuts, join a gym so you’re cosier working out indoors, join a virtual class from home and make sure you’re getting in your steps and not taking short cuts.

Set your alarm for the same time every day

Your body clock will change from season to season but keep adjusting your alarm for the same time every day to allow yourself a little structure and routine. Darker mornings will crave cosy lay-ins.

Reflect on what you consume

Due to the cooler temperatures, winter can make you extremely dehydrated. We naturally drink less water and opt for more hot drink varieties while getting through the winter blues. You must stay hydrated!

Seasonal Foods
Our winter meals often become much warmer and denser. They are comfort meals. Make sure you introduce the current seasons whole foods into your diet for the best nutrients your body requires.

Vitamins & Supplements

In winter it’s likely we will get a sickness bug or run down very easily. Make sure you know what your body is missing so you can take vitamins and supplements to replenish your body from the inside, out. For example, we will most certainly be lacking in vitamin D from the lack of sunshine.


How can you start preparing yourself for the Autumn/Winter months? It’s never too early to start thinking about your physical and mental well-being.


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