The Wellness Lounge

Summer Show & Christmas Show

The Brief

We’ve had the greatest of pleasures in working with Story Events on multiple occasions now and this includes their two exhibitions, The London Summer Event Show and The London Christmas Party Show. Both exhibitions are tailored toward showcasing the event industry’s best event venues and suppliers, offering a networking opportunity for event buyers and event agents. One drawback we’ve seen in the event industry (from experience) is the high rate of burnout and stress which seems synonymous with events. Story Events wanted Be In Your Element to host a new way for event professionals attending the exhibitions to embrace a sensory environment and experience long-lasting wellness techniques they can take away with them.

The Solution

We introduced our Wellness Lounge to Story Events - a serine zone created within any venue to allow attendees to relax, recharge, and centre themselves. Our Lounges have different elements to them such as meditations, massages, yoga and more, all bespoke to each event.

A stand out feature is the use of headphones in the Lounge to allow guests to zone out of the chaotic buzz of the exhibition and listen to a selection of guided meditation, breathwork, beat breathing or another chosen practice. These can be pre-recorded or live demonstrations, and let us tell you, when we see each guest open their eyes at the end of the demonstration after being so focused on their body and aura, we can clearly see they found a relaxing flow!

During the Christmas Party Show we also introduced one of our partner products, Huggs. Huggs are sensory, interactive lights which provide guests with the chance to hug a big fuzzy ball which reacts with the pressure of the hug to increase the light emanating from the ball. They’ve been such a welcome introduction to our Wellness Lounges as no one has used anything like this before!

The Testimonial

“We were so pleased to have Be In Your Element’s Wellness Lounge as a new addition to the London Christmas Party Show, after the success showcased at the London Summer Event Show back in February. It’s so great to be able to offer our visitors, exhibitors and staff a safe space to decompress during the craziness of being onsite at a 2 day event. I know our team also thoroughly enjoyed having a hugg! Very much needed!:)”— The Story Events Team

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