How fitness and taking care of you is good for stress?

Are you sure I hear you all saying!

Fitness, thinking about what you eat and the general care of yourself can almost feel like an added stress to someone that is busy BUT I have a different opinion on this…..

We must move our body

Movement and fuelling ourselves right can be a game changer at reducing stress levels. Releasing the stress and allowing space to think and breathe! As human beings we are meant to move, it’s part of our key fundamentals, so actually the less we move or exercise the more stressed the body can actually get. If you suffer with stress and really find it hard to release it, then try just walking in 10 minute blocks, it can change your state so fast!

Just do it anyway

I personally love lifting weights, its my go to when i’m feeling stressed, like when things are on top of me and when my mood is low. I am human and this happens to me too. Do I complain about doing it? YES of course I do, when we are stressed our brain is fogged with it, our mind cannot think clearly BUT I know what my remedy is, training!

So I just get over all the excuses, ignore the foggy voices in my head and do it anyway, which then equates in me feeling clearer, happier and LESS stressed after the workout.

Train for head space

So, if you are one of those people that talks themselves out of the workout EVERY time because your are “stressed” or because you “haven’t got time” or indeed you “haven’t got the head space” for it iI want you to take a second to think about how NOT doing the workout is going to benefit you? It will never ever make you feel worse and the benefits are huge.

After time, repeated action of doing it even when you do not want to, your excuse party will get smaller and you will start doing the workouts because you need that feeling after.

The key? Falling in love with the stress relief and the feeling you get when you workout!

Fuel yourself like a fine motor car

Food is mood.

There couldn't be a phrase more true!

Remember, the more sugar or junk food you eat the more your stress levels increase. Alcohol, despite the rumours is NOT going to make your body feel less stressed, if anything it will increase your stress levels as your body tries to decide what to do with this empty calorie poison, not to mention your blood sugar levels!

Keep things simple

The body is a simple vessel really, the fundamentals are basic, move often, use your muscles regularly, fuel it with the highest quality fuel, speak kindly to it and sometimes give it a rest so it can re-charge! The simple stuff wins for me always!

Vicki PT x

Well-being Warrior & Fitness Guru


Morning Routine


Further nurture your sober curiosity or pay some attention to mindful drinking this Dry January