2023 Wellness Trends

So what are we going to be getting up to in 2023!?

As you know here at ‘Be in your Element’ we know wellness is a journey and not a destination, and we understand trends aren’t always here to stay, but we have handpicked our top 5 that we feel are!

Check out our predictions for the ultimate 2023 wellness journey..…..

Compassion Leadership

You may say there might have been a time when compassion was viewed as a weakness, but all of that nonsense is so last year, and we are now building a compassion focused culture in the workplace.

It’s nothing new, Jeff Weiner’s LinkedIn success was based on his compassion leadership (his words, not mine- hear them here)

What is new, is that everyone needs to realise this approach works and is the best way to lead.

Compassionate leadership recognizes that every team member is not only a significant individual but also an essential thread in the fabric of an entire organization. They strive to enhance the happiness and well-being of their people by supporting them and giving them what they need to excel. Compassionate leadership is not focused on the short-term or instant gratification; rather, it is focused on what’s best for the individual, the team, the organization and it considers other factors that may influence or impact the situation at hand.

In the words of Dalai Lama “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”

Lead well, and lead with compassion.

Soft Living

Life has changed a lot in the last two years, and many people are embracing a so-called soft life—a rejection of the struggle, stress, and anxiety that come with working a traditional nine-to-five career, and spinning away your days on life's hamster wheel. What started out as a ‘soft living movement’ on social media platforms such as TikTok, now filters into workplace well-being and continues to help us grow as individuals, striving for a better work:life balance, focusing more on self care, saying goodbye to anything toxic and that no longer serves you, and prioritising your mental health.

This is a movement that started as a ripple and now becomes a wave, and we have no doubt it will be making a big splash into the workplace for 2023.

Business Retreats

2022 gave it a good go, but 2023 is going to be THE year for business retreats. Why?

Because we need it now more than ever!

This year we have been slowly building our new way of working back up, weather thats WFH, hybrid or integrating everyone back into the office full-time. Slowly but surely for most, the office environment is getting rebuilt and the employee connection is getting reconnected…but only on surface level.

As remote work becomes more and more popular for companies and startups, team bonding and quality time with your coworkers will be crucial in order to stay connected, maintain team spirit, and build company culture. Not seeing the team very often means we need to make up for time lost and the best way to do so is with a proper company retreat to recharge batteries and get some well-needed team bonding and time together.

Team building and away days are great for creating a fun and social atmosphere where you and your colleagues can relax and unwind and get to know each other better outside of work, which in turn builds those relationships and bonds for you as you return back to the workplace. But retreats go deeper, give more connection and create experiences, bonds and moments that can be unforgettable and life changing. Feeling part of a group is a key component of human nature, and in-person interaction is the best way to build trust and form deep connections with our peers, and reviews have shown that happy workers are up to 13% more productive.

2023 is all about turning the out of office on, to get the company flying off to a great year ahead!


The human body comprises of matter and energy, just like the 4 elements of life, we have 4 elements of energy; Physical energy- how healthy are you? Your emotional energy – how happy are you? Your mental energy – how well can you focus on something? Your spiritual energy – why are you doing all of this?

Over the years our awareness has grown understanding more and more the importance of our physical health, our mental health and our emotional health, but we have a lot to learn about our spiritual health.

People are starting to turn towards spirituality, with more people seeking ‘higher connection’ and wanting to connect to something more. This year so many of us have made changes to lifestyle for a more ‘soft living’ way of life, for a better work:life balance, but we are also seeing many exploring getting ‘something more’.

Call it spirituality, call it energy, healing, connection. It is something that is bigger than we are and may feel out of reach, but we all have our own inner power and piece of magic to give to the world that is constantly flowing around us and inside of us, and nows the time to tune in to it.

Morning breath replacing the morning brew

And before you say it, no this is not referring to not brushing your teeth! This is suggesting that many of us will be swapping the morning ritual of stumbling out of bed each morning to reach for that caffeine kick, to instead stop, and take a few breathes.

We are surrounded by various health and fitness apps that we can all tap into each morning before we got to work, which is great! And most of them you will find have a breathwork session or a nod to taking a few deep breathes before or after a workout.

Why is that?

Because we are all finally getting to grips with the fact that the breath not only plays a huge part in keeping us alive, but it also plays a huge part in helping us thrive! By introducing simple breathwork techniques into your day, it is proven to reduce tension, depression and anxiety and strengthen your immune system (to name but a few)

Waking up and getting a few breaths in before you get out of bed, will prevent the stumbling steps you would automatically take out of bed and will prevent the need to rush to the kettle or coffee machine to get ‘your fix’ to help you operate for the day. You already have that superpower within you, and it’s free.

Harness it and fly high!

Lucy Eden- Found of Be in your Element


Employee Appreciation


Pause for thought….