G Research

Truffle Making Workshop

The Brief

G-Research are a leading quantitative research and technology firm within the finance sector, and not only that, they are longstanding clients of ours whom we love to work with! We’ve supported them with various events over the years and in July 2024 we were back with them at Soho Place for an event for their interns and graduates. Whilst planning how to show them a wonderful time, we suggested a deliciously fun Chocolate Truffle Making Workshop!

The Solution

We brought along our equipment, set everything up and once the guests arrived, they dove straight into a world of pure chocolatey bliss to let their taste buds run wild. During our chocolate making workshops guests learn techniques starting with tempering all the way to moulding which leaves them feeling like a true pro and a culinary master.

Our workshop uses 5 unique ingredients to whip up delicious praline-stuffed dates and divine chocolate truffles, all made with gluten and diary free ingredients and no refined sugars. We cater for all!

You can see from the sheer focus on creating these little marvels and the joy on their faces from tasting that delicious praline that this workshop is one to create some long lasting memories. These workshops are a beautifully creative way to tend to the well-being of attendees because as soon as they sit down, all the worries and stresses of life dissipate and they can spend 1.5 hours enjoying the blissful journey of making chocolate treats.

Discover your ideal elements…

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